Contact UsThere are several avenues given here that you may wish to contact us about. Please scroll down to find the contact detail you require and to see our 'Send a Message' Form'
The Manor Trust OfficeThe Trust Office is located within the Elms, 2 Lower Road, Bedhampton, Havant, PO9 3LH. The office is usually staffed on Mondays to Fridays between 9.30 am and 12.30 pm. You can contact the office as follows:By phoning 023 9248 4444 during office hours or leave a voice message You can use the enquiry form below or email The Manor Trust Bedhampton - Registered Charity No:1116034
THE LODGE - Registered Residential Care Home
The Lodge is our small care home caring in the Havant area for the elderly with only 14 residents, click to
read more.
The contact number for The Lodge is 023 92 45 2644 and the email is:
Room Vacancies at The Lodge January 2025 - There are no rooms vacant at presentFor more details please contact the Lodge Manager or Deputy at 023 9245 2644 or When we have no vacancies we maintain a waiting list. Please contact the Lodge Manager on 023 9245 2644 Or send an email to the Lodge Office at:
Staff Vacancies at The Lodge January 2025 - We are recruiting Senior Care Staff When there are no staff vacancies, you are welcome to ask for your details to go on our staff waiting list. Please contact us as below. For all staff enquiries - please contact the Lodge Manager on 023 9245 2644 or email:
THE ELMS - ApartmentsFrom time to time there is an apartment vacant, and we do maintain a waiting list. If you are looking for an apartment please enquire - you can phone or email. Please contact the Trust Office as above.
The team who manage the BHC at The Elms on Wednesday mornings can be contacted via the Trust Manager as above.
THE ELMS CAFE AND LIBRARY The Library bookshop is open on Cafe Mornings (every 2nd Tuesday in the Waterloo Room) and during many other events held in the Waterloo Room. For details of the Library Bookshop and Community Cafe please call 023 92 48 4444 Mon-Fri 9.30-12.30pm.
The upkeep of the Grade II 'Star' Listed property The Elms, the Waterloo Room and the Tower is a heavy financial commitment: -
The Manor Trust welcomes the help of volunteers with fundraising and/or event management skills and/or experience.
We welcome help from people with specialist knowledge of or skills in property maintenance who are willing to give practical help or expert advice to the Governing Committee.
If you are interested to know more about supporting the Trust's heritage properties, please contact our Trust Office as below.
Please contact the Trust Manager as above.
The team who manage the BHC at The Elms on Wednesday mornings can be contacted via the Trust Manager as above.
For details of the BHC, Waterloo Room Talks and Tickets please call the Trust Office.
A club which is closely associated with the Manor Trust meets for lunch most Thursdays of the year in the Waterloo Room when friendship is enjoyed over a 2-course lunch prepared by a group of volunteers. If you are interested to know more about this club, the Trust Office can put you in touch with the organiser of this club.
The Manor Trust Office
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The Manor Trust does not store or collect any personal information about site users. The system will record your email address and other information if volunteered to us by you. This information shall be treated as confidential. It may only be used for internal review and to contact you regarding any feedback.
Contact Us by filling in the below form.