The Lodge 

Havant  Hampshire  PO9 3LH
Old Bedhampton
8/10 Lower Road

For all enquiries: 023 9245 2644


February 2025 
We have no vacant rooms at present. Please enquire by phone, email or webste enquiry form - click here


Registered Care Manager, Emma and Deputy Manager, Jemma welcome you to the Lodge page of the Manor Trust Bedhampton website.
We welcome enquiries about living at The Lodge, by email, or by phone. Please do get in touch.

The Lodge is the Manor Trust's Residential Care Home 

The Lodge is a delightfully situated in
the Conservation Village of Old Bedhampton,
a characterful, small home giving personal
24hr Residential Care our elderly residents.

If you are looking for a 'Care Home in the Havant
area,' The Lodge may serve your needs well.

We also offer respite, short stay and
convalescent care
- please enquire on 023 92 45 2644. 

ROOM VACANCIES - To check on
Room Vacancies please click here     


Please read our brochure - To download click here 

Reviews of The Lodge - We have good reviews from
our residents, their relatives and their friends- click here  

If you know of someone who is looking for a care
home please give them our telephone number -
023 9245 2644
- there are occasions when we have a vacancy
whether for long term care or for Respite Care

STAFF VACANCIES - To look for a
staff vacancy please click here

The Lodge is registered with the Care Quality Commission and the CQC's 'Nominated Individual' in overall responsibility to the Manor Trust Board of Trustees and to the CQC is Trustee David Hindley
If you would like to read our reviews on please click  here  

Our Aim at The Lodge

The aim is to make residents feel very much at home and to try to keep rules and regulations to a minimum.
 The Trust prides itself on the high standards of care it provides in a relaxed and homely atmosphere.

The bright and sunny lounge

The cosy dining room

The beautiful gardens

  • There are just 14 rooms, eight of which have en-suite facilities.
  • On the ground floor there is an airy lounge and a comfortable dining room.
  • There is a chair-lift for residents living on the first floor.
  • All rooms are equipped with call systems, telephone, and TV points and an enhanced WI-FI system.
  • Residents are encouraged to personalise their rooms with favourite items of furniture and pictures and the residents’ laundry is included and serviced on the premises.
  • Each room has a lockable facility for valuables.
  • The appetising home-cooked meals are prepared by the cooks, using fresh produce from the Lodge garden.
  • Residents’ preferred meal choices are sought so that their favourite meals can be catered for.
  • There is a varied menu providing a balanced and nutritious diet; special diets are also catered for.
  • Morning coffee and afternoon tea are served in the lounges or resident's own rooms.
  • Family and other visitors are always welcome.
  • The Secret Bookshop team have provided a free library facility
  • There are well maintained and secluded gardens and a patio for residents to enjoy.

See some independent reviews for the Lodge - 2018 HERE - 2017 HERE .

The Lodge Management Team

The Registered Manager is Emma Vallender. Emma is experienced and well qualified, and is in overall charge of care and all aspects at the Lodge. Her qualiifications include a Diploma in Management Health and Social Care (Level 5).
She is assisted by our very loyal and long-standing team of staff who pride themselves on delivering best practice person centred care.

The Deputy Manager is Jemma Marsh. Jemma holds a Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care (Level 5) and with the manager they complement each other in their own areas of responsibility.

The Lodge Manager, Emma Vallender

 Deputy Lodge Manager, Jemma Marsh Dip.L&M(3)

The Lodge employs (apart from the Manager and Deputy Manager) Care Assistants who hold NVQ qualifications and all Staff undertake continuous training.


 Vistors by appointment are most welcome ~ please contact us to make the necessary arrangements.  

If you wish to communicate with your relative here in the Lodge, the options are; by telephone or mobile (if appropriate), by Facetime, Zoom, Teams, WhatsApp or by Skype.
To use any of these video-call methods please contact us  well beforehand, so we can set up the software ready for your video-call on our laptops first.
Finally, there's the good old time and tested written letter - always so cherished by the elderly.

 To find out more about our current visiting policy please contact the Lodge Manager on 023 9245 2644.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Maintaining an Overview – the Manor Trust’s Governing Committee

If you have run a Nursing or Residential Care Home or been professionally involved with these types of homes in some way, then we are looking for a committee member, most likely a former care professional (or similar) with an interest in the older person in care and support the charity offers.

That interest would be in seeing that our residents' care and comfort being delivered by the Lodge Registered Manager and the team of carers is supported by a member of the Governing Committee who has some knowledge and experience in the delivery of good care of the older person. 

Please enquire for more about volunteering for this particularly interesting and rewarding role by going to our Contact us page and contact the Trust Manager. Please contact or send a message to the Trust Manager - click  
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