Charitable Funds and Fund-Raising

Our charitable funds: 

Our funds come entirely from the generous donors in support of the Manor Trust today, tomorrow and from gifts in the past: 


Donations can be made by cheque made payable to The Manor Trust Bedhampton, The Elms, 2 Lower Road, Old Bedhampton, Havant PO9 3LH, or donations can be here on this website, see below. If you wish to make a payment in cash, please give it to a trustee  or the Trust Manager and you will be given a receipt.
Donors can also choose to enhance the sum given by the Gift Aid process. 


Thank you.

Fund-Raising Events

The Trust mounts several fund-raising events throughout the year and these are put on by the volunteers of the charity. Our volunteers organise and plan the events and aim to make them appealing, interesting and enjoyable for the supporters and public to enjoy.
We are looking for more volunteer helpers, and always want our supporters to spread the word when an event is ‘On,’ so their friends, relatives and the public know they can come and have a good time. They can be sure any money spent will be going to a good cause.

Legacies and Bequests

 Many people think ahead and want to leave a legacy. A legacy leaves a lasting memory outside the family.  A bequest will help the charity plan and help secure its future, for later generations to enjoy The Elms, the Waterloo Room and even enhance the lives of the residents in care at the Lodge.

A legacy would always be greatly appreciated and be put to good use towards the works of the charity as stated above. Furthermore, you can specify what aspect of the charity's work you wish your bequest to be used for - these amounts are called 'Restricted Funds,' and can given in such a way for the Trustees to use what is donated and designated, or to invest the money and use the interest generated for your chosen specific purpose. 
A legacy gift to The Manor Trust Bedhampton would be free from Inheritance Tax because the Trust is a Registered Charity. We simply ask that if you consider leaving a bequest in your Will, that you please bear in mind - The Manor Trust Bedhampton?

The Trust's principal activities requiring funding are:

  • Maintenance of the Grade II * Listed Building which the Trust owns - The Elms with the Waterloo Room and its Tower. - please read more below. The repair and maintenance costs are higher than a more modern building and the Trust is unable to reclaim VAT on its buildings.

  • The Lodge is a building full of character, with its feature mansard roof, but it is a property that doesn't lend itself to low-cost maintenance.

  • Both properties have sizeable grounds to be maintained for our residents to enjoy. We aim to make the gardens comfortable to walk around and to sit in, with suitable and safe furniture.  

  • Roofs need to be kept water-tight and strong enough to withstand the extremes of the British weather, and regular repair and repainting of windows and doors, the pointing of walls and attention to fascias and gutters are vital.  

  • The Trust's local museum called the Bedhampton Historical Collection (BHC) is for those who have an interest in local history, most notably the Conservation Village of Old Bedhampton. The museum can be visited by appointment by the public and school classes. 

  • From time to time, the BHC puts on events in the Waterloo Room. There also we hold our The Community Cafe to foster the community spirit of Bedhampton, Havant and the wider environs and so raise funds for the Trust and specifically for the BHC.


Waterloo Room 

The Waterloo Room is a special place and is held warmly in the hearts of many who visit and use this room.
It is part of the Grade II * Listed Building The Elms, and its listed catgeory means the Trust as owners are obilged to maintain the room in an accepatble condition.
In 2015 the Tower was reconditioned as it had fallen into a state of disrepair. The restoration cost £26,000, some of which was donated by supporters, and the rest from the Trust's savings over the years. 

Currently, in 2020 and onwards the Trustees are having to look at some repairs to the roof and a wall, and then to redecorate in the room itself. We are asking that our supporters help towards this objective by giving what they can, and we also ask if they or someone they know might consider leaving the Waterloo Room a bequest in their will. PLease speak to our Trust Manager or any Trustee about this option for giving.
Thank you for thinking about this special  building, for the future.

You can donate here . Thank you.


About Giving

If you are already a supporter of the Manor Trust or thinking you would like to support the Manor Trust you may like come and view the Waterloo Room, Tower and Library with books for sale, please contact our Trust Office to arrange your visit.

If you would like to donate now, then please click the pay link below- and that will link to 'Charity Aid Foundation' online giving facility


Thank you for your gift which will put put to the work of the Manor Trust .
If you would like your donation targetted towards a particlar aspect of our work, please send us an email - you can use using the form here  

Alternatively, you can send a cheque, made payable to the 'Manor Trust Bedhampton' and send it to the
Trust Office at The Elms,
2 Lower Road Old Bedhampton PO9 3LH.

When giving, please say your gift is for a special reason such as a current project or to support a specific activity ofThe Manor Trust.
Thank you.

Helping to raise funds 

Supporters and Friends of The Manor Trust

The Trust has a body of Supporters who attend functions and so help contributing to the funds raised and others also volunteer to help, which is always much appreciated. The helpers make acquaintances and friends with eachother. We also have body of Supporters who are called Friends of the Manor Trust. These are supporters who have made a donation of £100 or more as a gift to the work of the Trust. These gifts  are greatly appreciated by the trustees.
You can download a form to register to become a Friend and read more about the trust's activities here  
We ask supporters if they would remember The Manor Trust Bedhampton in their will and this can be done and made as a gift if desired for a specific named activity of the trust. Please contact our Trust Manager Paula Humby for any help you may require with this aspect of your gift planning. Thank you for thinking of The Manor Trust, Bedhampton, Registered Charity 1116034.

The Trust hosts three major events during the year, the stand at The Bedhamton Show on Bidbury Mead in July, the Garden Party in August and the Christmas Fayre in December.

Supporters volunteer to help at Fund-raising events and also help by bringing friends to an event

Help at the monthly Community Cafe Mornings is always welcome.

If you would like to volunteer your help in some way, please let us know.

If this is something that you would consider doing, please speak to your solicitor about this and if it’s helpful, please also speak to our Trust Manager, Paula Humby on 023 92 48 4444.

Charitable Activities

Restoration of Elms Summer 2018

The Trustees have commissioned the repair of windows and patches of crumbling render with repainting during the summer of 2018.
To read more and with pictures of the work this entails please click

Restoration of The Waterloo Room Tower – Summer 2015
The Trust’s resources had to bear £25,000 which represents 90% of the total restoration costs of the Tower in 2015. Any contribution you can give will be very much appreciated- please see below.

Starting in 2017, the Trustees are looking to continue with the necessary maintenance of the building both internally and externally.

Internal works are required to do with updating its utilities and decor, and externally to the elevations and roofs. The trustees are appealing for donations towards the costs of the important restoration work on the building and Waterloo Room which together amount to £100,000.

Renovation of the Waterloo Room Tower - Summer 2015

The Tower of the Waterloo Room is part their Grade II Star Listed Building called The Elms.

It is an architectural heritage gem, probably the most important heritage building in the Borough of Havant.

There is more about these works, including some pictures showing the work to be done, please click here .


The Art Exhibition

The Art Exhibition, held on the last week-end in May at The Elms has an interesting variety of pictures from local artists.

All the paintings, drawings, sculptures and crafts are original and for sale at reasonable prices.

A portion of each sale goes to benefit the work of The Manor Trust.

There are also home-made cakes and cream teas available for a reasonable small sum.

For more details of this year's Art Show please go to our news page

Our Projects in 2015 - Restoration of the Tower of The Waterloo Room

Restoration of Heritage Building - done by the Trust


Major restorations were carried out in 2015


The Garden Party

The Garden Party is held early in August. It is an afternoon event and is opened by a local dignitary. It is something of a fun day too.

There is a small entrance fee, children are welcome and there is no charge for under 11s.

There are very many different types of stalls for visitors to browse and buy, and the home made cakes and produce are particularly popular. So too are the ‘fruit and veg,’  clothing and ice cream stalls.

Through this support the charity was able to raise in the region of just under £1,000 as a very welcome contribution towards its work.

The Christmas Fayre

This event is held on the first saturday of December.
There is a small entrance fee which covers a cup of coffee and a mince pie.

There are stalls with a variety of small items on sale, many suitable to be of use in the coming Christmas-tide.

The event is very popular and a worthwhile event for visitors to come and enjoy.

The Library

Formerly The Secret Bookshop (SBS), the Library of pre-loved books is an important and vibrant entity that raises funds for the Manor Trust, usually with a specific target in mind, but primarily is the upkeep of its Grade II 'Star' Listed building, The Elms and its Waterloo Room.

This is done by several means.

Firstly, is a collection of books held in the Library of The Elms and which are available for purchase at a very small, nominal price, for as little as £1, and if so inclined readers can donate the book back to the Secret Bookshop after reading.

There are the 'Books and Coffee' mornings are held in The Waterloo Room on 2nd Tuesday of the month, form 10-11.30 am

All are welcome – and encouraged to come and enjoy the experience in the charming and impressive historic Waterloo Room and  the Library next to the Waterloo Room is open. Visitors are welcome to come and browse - and choose a book to take home and read for a very modest amount.

Volunteers who fancy to help run a the Elms Community Cafe are welcome to contact us or phone Paula Humby on 023 9248 4444.

Other events are held such as the Christmas Craft Making Day when delegates come and are given know-how and tips on making decorations and other ‘things’ for Christmas.

About making donations

Voluntary donations to the Trust are very much appreciated by the Trustees, staff, residents and worker volunteers alike.

Donations are used to help maintain the charity’s historic buildings whose upkeep presents a huge financial challenge. The money given may also be used to improve the services and facilities for the residents in the Trust’s homes, if that is specified.

The financial contributions from the residents goes to their upkeep and the Trust needs additional income to maintain its historic buildings and promote its charitable activities.

We ask you to consider making the charity The Manor Trust, Bedhampton a beneficiary in your will.

You can choose to donate now, which will go the Trust via the Charity Aid Foundation website for giving. All you are asked to do is to give your name, contact phone number and email address and then state the amount you wish to give. You can also opt to add value to your gift, if you are an income tax payer, by completing the Gift Aid form on-line at the same time as making your gift.

If you prefer to make a donation by cheque, please make it payable to and send to: -

The Manor Trust Bedhampton
The Trust Office The Elms,
2 Lower Road Bedhampton
Havant PO9 3LH.

You can add to the value of your donation via Gift Aid, if you are an Income Tax Payer by down-loading the Gift Aid Form and sending it to the Trust Manager. You need only do only this once as the form will apply to future donations as long as you remain an income tax payer. We thank you most cordially and sincerely for your help with the Trust's work.

You can make a donation by clicking HERE  

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