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The Manor Trust Office
The Trust office is staffed on Mondays to Fridays between 9.30 am and12.30 pm 
You can contact the office as follows:-
  • By phoning 023 9248 4444 during her working hours or leave a voice message
  • You can use the enquiry form:- please click here
  • or by email to    

STAFF VACANCIES arise from time to time - please read on below to find more details

Committee Member - We have a vacancy for a member with a special interest in the elderly - read more

THE LODGE - Registered Residential Care Home

The Lodge is a beautifully run small care home caring for the elderly with only 14 residents
It is a Care Home in the Havant area.
Room Vacancies at The Lodge
Occasionally we have a vacancy, but we also sometimes maintain a waiting list.
If you are looking for a vacancy - please enquire - you can phone or email

  -  When we have no vacancy you can ask to view or go on the waiting list
  • Please contact the Lodge Manager or Deputy Manager, on 023 9245 2644 OR
  • Send an email to the Lodge Manager's Office 

We have a room vacancy at the Lodge at July 21st 2018. Please enquire as above if you are interested and would like to know more. Thank you.
Staff vacancies at The Lodge
From time to time the Lodge has a vacancy for staff. We are fortunate to have a staff team in which a high proportion of our carers have been working happily at The Lodge for many years.
The Lodge employs Care Assistants who hold an appropriate NVQ qualification as well as cooks, gardening and maintenance staff.

If enquiring about a staff vacancy:- Please telephone the Lodge and ask to speak to the Manager or Deputy Manager on 023 9245 2644 or email as above.

If we have no staff vacancies, we can hold your name and contact details if you are suitably qualified Care Assistant or Cook for when a vacancy arises - to ask for this to be done, please contact The Lodge Manager or Deputy Manager as above.
Job advertisemnt

Please see the Job Description and Application Form .

, but you can ask to have your name, qualifications and experience to go on our staff waiting list

Please telephone the Lodge and ask to speak to the Manager or Deputy Manager on 023 9245 2644 or email as above.

THE ELMS - Apartments
From time to time there is an apartment vacant, and we do maintain a waiting list.
If you are looking for an apartment- please enquire - you can phone or email.

Please contact the Trust Office by one of the methods as above:-
The team who manage the BHC at The Elms on Wednesday mornings can be contacted via the Trust Manager as above. 
For details of the BHC Waterloo Room Talks and Tickets please call 023 9237 5594

The upkeep of the Grade II 'Star' Listed property The Elms, the Waterloo Room and the Tower is a heavy financial committment:-
  • The Manor Trust welcomes the help of volunteers with fundraising and/or event management skills and/or experience.
  • We welcome help from people with specialist knowledge of or skills in property maintenance who are willing to give practical help or expert advice to theGoverning Committee
  • If you are interested to know more about supporting the Trust's heritage properties, please contact our Trust Office as below.
Please contact the Trust Office by one of the methods as above:-

Friends of the Manor Trust are supporters of the charity by their donations of £10 yearly, usually by Standing Order.
Friends receive the seasonal newsletters and prior news of the Trust's events throughout the year.
Alternatively one can make a single life-time donation of £100 and become a Life Friend.
Many Friends help at the fund-raising events.
You can download an application from the become a Friend or a Lfe Friend by clicking
For all enquiries concerning:-
  • Becoming a Friend of the Manor Trust
  • On becoming a Volunteer – to help with fund-raising Events or help generally
Please contact our Trust Office by one of the methods as above:-

A club which is closely associated with the Manor Trust meets for lunch most Thursdays of the year in the Waterloo Room when friendship is enjoyed over a 2-course lunch prepared by a cook who has volunteered and other volunteers who help lay the tables, serve and wash up.
  • If you are interested to know more about this club, the Trust Office can put you in touch with Margaret Stanger who is  the organiser of this club.
  • Contact 023 9248 4444 and ask to leave a message for Margaret Stanger.
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The Manor Trust Office   
You can send a message to the Trust Office using the enquiry form below:-


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